Double Door

4.6 216.2k ratings

Refrigerators come with the latest technology and currently, we have a double door inverter refrigerator. The double door refrigerator is a two-side opening refrigerator that comes with the inverter. 


A compressor that uses inverter technology functions similarly to an automobile accelerator. When the necessary speed is higher, the acceleration is higher, and when it is lower, the acceleration is more down. This ensures that during the summer months, when the cooling load is higher, the compressor operates at full capacity, consuming more power.


SerWish’s professionals are expert enough in handling every type of refrigerator repair and maintenance. 


What do our services include?


Quick check-up- Our professionals will visit your place and identify the issue. They will be assessing the refrigerator and will suggest you the right solution.


Quality work- We believe in delivering quality products and services to our customers. If we have to use any spare part in the refrigerator, we use high-quality parts. 


Affordable cost- SerWish offers you every refrigerator repair and maintenance service at a reasonable price. 


Experienced professionals- We have the best professionals who are trained and skilled. 


Standardized process- Our work process is standardized and all the professionals are trained to follow a standard process of visiting and repairing the damages. 


Work Satisfaction—Our most significant asset is our client. We ensure that customers receive high-quality work that meets their expectations.


SerWish makes your booking of professionals easy as we have already screened the professionals who will come and work. To book a professional, get started with us.

120 min